Wednesday, April 22, 2009

YRC and RRC activities held at Arunai Engineering College, under my presidentship--- Thanks to the Management



Title of Programme: Mega Blood Donation camp
Objective: To make the individual students to realise the importance of blood and their social responsibilities
Date: January 24th 2008
Venue: Arunai Engineering College, Thiruvannamalai
Duration: One day (8 a.m. to 3: 30 p.m.)
Participants: 1009 Students of AEC, KEC, KCAS and KPT were the expand donors. 60 Youth Red Cross volunteers served and helped blood bank people in collecting blood from donors
Resource Person: Mr Indirarajan, District Co-ordinator, YRC
Dr E V V Kamban, MD, AEC
Er E V Kumaran, Vice Chairman, AEC.

Content: The main motto behind the Programme was not to set a record but to make it as a bench mark with a higher vision to attract the attention of other institutions to break the record which means that every record breaking camp attempt or atleast a try to break it would need atleast 1009 donors
Students Feedback: Students who did not participate in the camp were actually inspired by the record donors. They started to enquire about the blood donation and promised us that they have realised their social responsibility of donating blood.
Methodology: The camp started with the process of canvassing by the YRC volunteers by stressing the importance, and the need of voluntary blood donation. With all the necessary arrangements made the prospective donors were requested to register for donating their blood. Their Hb counts were checked and all pre donating activities were carries out before they donated their blood. All the donors were issued with Blood Donation Certificate. Mr Indirarajan, District Co ordinator, YRC, made an enlightening speech to the first year students explaining the need of voluntary blood donation and its importance.
Suggestion: It was suggested to carry on a canvassing campaign before every blood donation camp, which might bridge the gap between the students ignorance on blood donation and their courage to take up the social responsibility
Conclusion: It was decided to conduct blood donation camps at regular intervals at Arunai Engineering College keeping in mind that such attempts will go a long way in meeting the preventing Himalayan need of blood.

Title of Programme: Seventh Sense Programme
Objective : To educate the students the techniques of mind programming and personality development.
Date: February 26- 27, 2008
Venue: A/C Auditorium, Arunai Engineering College, Thiruvannamalai
Duration: Two days (9 a.m to 5: 30 p.m.)
Participants: 350 Youth Red Cross Volunteers of AEC were the beneficiaries with composition of 180 boys and 170 girls.
Resource Person: Mr M.B.Nirmal, Founder
Exnora International and Seventh Sense

Content: The Programme was organised with the aim of educating the students with mind Programmeming habits in order to make them responsible citizens of the Country by keeping their mind and soul under their control and implement the techniques taught in the workshop, in a positive manner whenever they were asked to pledged to be good persons to their society.
Students Feedback: Students were highly inspired with the awesome skills taught in the workshop and they were motivated to practice the techniques taught. They placed a request to conduct such programmes every semester and to bring such Professional Trainers for the benefit of the student community.
Methodology: The workshop started with the lecture on what is mind. Then the participants were educated with mind programming techniques such as when the mind can be refreshed easily and when can be easily educated. Powerpoint templates, videos with some of lively techniques have been used for training.
Suggestion: It was suggested to conduct such workshops for all the students of the institution. Students made a request to conduct the programme for all hostel students. It was seriously considered. Four peer educators were selected from among the participants and the highlights of the workshop were shared with the hostel students
Conclusion: It is highly necessary to educate the present day students to keep their minds under control and to develop their personality as they are going to be the pillars of future India.

Title of Programme: Global Warming Awareness – a mega tri activity Programme( Workshop, Rally, Tree Plantation )
Objective of the Programme: To create awareness among the students and public to blow their whistle against global warming
Date: August 25, 2008
Venue: Arunai Engineering College, Thiruvannamalai
Duration: One day (9:30 a.m. to 4: 30 p.m.)
Participants: 350 (180 Boys, 170Girls) YRC volunteers in workshop and tree plantation.
500 (350 YRC and other students and staff volunteers) participated in Rally (270 Men and 230 Women)

Resource Person: Dr M Rajendran I.A.S , District Collector, Thiruvannamalai
Content of the Programme: The idea behind the Programme was to eradicate the ill effects of consumerism on the mother earth and to illuminate the
People with action against the global warming needed to be taken.
Students Feedback: students informed that they got nurtured with their soft skills on educating the public as to how to deliver the message to different grades of people.
Methodology: The camp was started with an awareness seminar of instructive and interesting lectures. Then tree plantation was carried out in and around the AEC campus and the sister institutions as many as 500 saplings have been planted and they are being maintained till date.
Also a rally has been organised in the Thiruvannamalai town which ended at the Thiruvannamalai temple. If was flagged off by the distinguished Chief Guest, Dr M.Raajendiran, District Collector, Thiruvannamalai and our Managing Director, Dr E .V.V.Kamban.
Suggestion: It was suggested to initiate Birthday Tree Celebration by which a student can donate a sapling and plant it on his/her Birthday which has to be maintained by him/her during the course of study and to be handed over to the juniors for its maintenance.
Conclusion: It is a timely step forward against global warming such initiatives will surely contribute for the cause and may ignite a chain of reactions from among the public to save the earth from the clutches of global warming.

Title of Programme: Educational loan mela
Objective: To enable the students to enrich their and leadership and relationship skills whenever loan mela is planned and organised. The concerned authorities have been requested for making such camps as platform for the volunteers to learn the nuances of conducting camps. Date: August 6, 2008
Venue: Arunai Engineering College, Thiruvannamalai
Duration: One day (10 a.m. to 2: 30 p.m.)
Participants: More than 400 students attended the mela and
30 student volunteers assisted in making the mela a delightful success
Resource Person: Dr M Rajendiran, District Collector, Thiruvannamalai
Content: The volunteers experienced themselves in crowd management in a manner no way no one gets hurt and also regulating and facilitating both the students and bank officials in a smooth conduct and completion of the camp.
Students Feedback: Students felt that they were happy to work on an entirely different package, where they were exposed to meet the general public who come to attend with all sorts of problems in their normal lives.
Methodology: The mela was planned with separate staffs for different banks. Loan seekers were identified with their locations, and their eligibility to apply to a bank. Accordingly they were directed to the correct bank when they can apply for their loans.
Suggestion: There was a suggestion to involve the first year student volunteers also in the camp
Conclusion: The camp was a huge success, which was highly appreciated by the Regional Head, Indian Bank. It served the purpose fully for which the mela was organised. The student volunteers learnt a lot with respect to organising such camps.

Title of Programme: Mega tree plantation camp under GREEN BELT scheme of Tamil Nadu Government.
Objective: To increase the green cover for a place.
Date: September 4, 2008
Venue: Thenimalai hills, Thiruvannamalai
Duration: One day (10 a.m. to 4: 30 p.m.)
Participants: 350 YRC Volunteers (180 Boys, 170 Girls)
Resource Person: Hon’ble Minister Thiru E.V.Velu, Minister for Food and Civil Supplies, Government of Tamil Nadu
Hon’ble Member of Legislative the Assembly Thiru S.K.Pichchandi, M.L.A., Thiruvannamalai Constituency
Dr.M.Raajendiran, District Collector, Thiruvannamalai
Mr.Sridharan, Municipal Chairman, Thiruvannamalai
Mr.M.P. Giri, District Chairman, Thiruvannamalai
Mr.Balakrishnan, Superindent of Police, Thiruvannamalai

Content: The Programme was designed to convert a deserted area into greenish one. More than 6000 saplings in 13 varieties were planted around the hills. Ten ponds were built for watering the saplings and they are periodically maintained by the YRC volunteers.
This Programme was organised under the Green Belt Cover Scheme of the State Government

Students Feedback: There was a request for more such camps of this type to be carried out in and around the hilly areas of Thiruvannamalai.

Methodology: Planting methods were educated by forest officials, and the watering of saplings was carried out with the help of plastic pots and water was fetched from the nearby ponds specially created for this purpose.
Suggestion: It was suggested to group the volunteers and the work can be categorised and allotted for different groups for efficient work management. Points can be allotted for volunteers for rewarding the best group.
Conclusion: The deserted area of Thenimalai hills is now fully planted with tree saplings which are belonging to be a green cover area.

Title of Programme: 88888 lights switch off campaign
Objective: To create awareness on global warming
Date: August 8, 2008
Venue: AEC Campus, Thiruvannamalai
Duration: Eight minutes from 8:08 p.m. to 8:16 p.m.
Participants: Whole College in the campaign
In the awareness camp, 350 volunteers as peer educators
Resource Person: Dr.E.V.V.Kamban, M.D., Managing Director, Arunai Engineering College,
Er.E.V.Kumaran, M.E., Vice Chairman, Arunai Engineering College.

Content: The Programme was designed to create awareness on global warming.It was a state wide camp introduced by Mr.M.B.Nirmal, Founder, Exnora International.

Students Feedback: Because of the repeated camps on Global Warming, students have themselves got informed about the issue and its ill effects. They also promised that they would not support the consumerism having ill effects for global warming and that particular lights switch off campaign was entirely a different novel way to create awareness.
Methodology: All the lights were put off for eight minutes in the college campus including hostels, library and browsing centre.
Suggestion: It was suggested to conduct intra college competitions like painting, poesy writing, essay writing on the global warming issues and its ill effects.
Conclusion: Darkness prevails over ignorance. But it had a different effect here. Switching off the lights has illuminated and ignited many minds and opened up their eyes on global warming.

Title of Programme: Awareness Training Programmeme on Road Safety.
Objective: To create awareness on road safety rules for safer travelling
Date: January 21, 2009
Venue: A/C Auditorium, Arunai Engineering College, Thiruvannamalai
Duration: One day (10 a.m. to 4: 30 p.m.)
Participants: 350 YRC Volunteers (180 Boys, 170 Girls)
Resource Persons: Mr.D.Ruthirapathi, Divisional Engineer, Tamil Nadu Road Sector Project
Mr.S.Vijayakumar, Road safety specialist, Tamilnadu Road Sector Project
Mr Nelson Jayakumar, Road Safety Consultant, Tamil Nadu Road Safety Consultant

Content: To educate the students on safety signs, safety rules and their limitations in driving to mould them into better and safer drivers

Students Feedback: Students informed that they had various doubts regarding safety rules and this Programme bridged their doubts on road safety.

Methodology: The Programme covered instructive speech and powerpoint explanatory lectures on road safety which covered do’s and don’ts s and many more
Suggestion: It was suggested to make the students play some demonstrative games available on road safety and make the students familiar with safety signs.
It was also suggested to the Government to create safety parks in all districts.
Conclusion: The YRC students came to know about the road safety signs and rules. These students will act as peer educators and share the information with their friends as regular activities.



Title of Programme: 10 Hr MODULE
Objective: To create awareness on living skills
Date:August 10, 2008
Venue: A/C Auditorium, Arunai Engineering College, Thiruvannamalai
Duration: two days (10 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
Participants: 50 RRC volunteers (27 Boys, 23 Girls)
Resource Person: Mr X Raju, District coordinator, Red Ribbon Club, Thiruvannamalai
Content: To educate the students on life skills , awareness on AIDS, sex and sexuality, peer education, how to say no, knowing their boundaries, good touch and bad touch, myths and misconceptions on AIDS.
Students Feedback: Students informed that they had various doubts regarding their relationship management with opposite gender
Methodology: The Programme was restricted to fifty students in order to make the information reach them effectively so that these students will act as peer educators, through educational videos and power point presentations, games and panel discussions.
Suggestion: It was suggested to conduct more 10 hour module for few more batches.
Conclusion: The RRC students came to know about AIDS, how to lead a safer life where these students will act as peer educators and share the knowledge not only with their college friends but also with their social relations.

Title of Programme: C life primer.
Objective: To create awareness on living skills
Date: August 22, 2008
Venue: A/C Auditorium, Arunai Engineering College, Thiruvannamalai
Duration: two days (10 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
Participants: 50 RRC volunteers (27 Boys, 23 Girls)
Resource Person: Mr S.Tandapany, District Manager, Thiruvallur district, Red Ribbon Club.
Content: To educate the students on life skills, awareness on AIDS, sex and sexuality, peer education, how to say no, knowing their boundaries, good touch and bad touch, myths and misconceptions on AIDS.
Students Feedback: Students informed that they had various doubts regarding their personal hygiene, personal safety and some of the unexplored truths of mind and body.
Methodology: The Programme was again restricted to fifty students in order to make the information reach them effectively so that these students will act as peer educators, through educational videos
powerpoint presentations, games, and panel discussions.
Suggestion: It was suggested to conduct a panel discussion on a larger scale.
Conclusion: The RRC students came to know about how to lead a safer life and about their own personal hygiene share the knowledge not only with their college friends but also with their social relations.
Title of Programme: A Personality Development Programme self skills management.
Objective: To make the individuals aware of their own special skills
Date: October 8, 2008
Venue: A/C Auditorium, Arunai Engineering College, Thiruvannamalai
Duration: two days (10 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
Participants: 350 YRC volunteers (180 Boys, 170 Girls)
Resource Person: Dr Muhunth Madhava Das, ( IIT Bombay),
Centre for Heritage of Indian Culture and Education (CHOICE)
Content: To educate the students on their own skills identification and they were taught to manage their own skills
Students Feedback: students felt they have gained confidence where they were taught to be ethical. This sense has made them of facing interviews and establishing relationships.
Methodology: The programme was almost like activity based learning, where students were made to be interactive through
educational videos, power point presentations, games and panel discussions.
Suggestion: It was suggested to conduct group discussions monthly in order to trace out a newer way of thinking
Conclusion: It is thus concluded through this camp only learning through their own character would build a healthy individual who will be a strong pillar of this Nation.

Title of Programme: 10 hr module.
Objective: To create awareness on life skills
Date: December 15, 2008
Venue: A/C Auditorium, Arunai Engineering College, Thiruvannamalai
Duration: two days (10 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
Participant Detail: 50 RRC volunteers (27 Boys, 23 Girls)
Resource Person: Mr K.Rajendiran, District Manager, Red Ribbon Club, Thiruvannamalai
Content: To educate the students on life skills, awareness on AIDS, sex and sexuality, peer education, how to say no, knowing their boundaries, good touch and bad touch, myths and misconceptions on AIDS.
Student feedback: Students informed that they had various doubts regarding their relationship management with the opposite gender
Methodology: The Programme was restricted to fifty students in order to make the information reach them effectively so that these students will act as peer educators, through educational videos and power point presentations, games, and panel discussions.
Suggestion: It was suggested to conduct more 10 hour module for few more batches.
Conclusion: The RRC students came to know about AIDS, how to lead a safer life where these students will act as peer educators and share the knowledge not only with their college friends but also with their social relations.

Title of Programme: Peer Education skills.
Objective: To create awareness on life skills
Date: January 7, 2009
Venue: A/C Auditorium, Arunai Engineering College, Thiruvannamalai
Duration: one day (10 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
Participants: 50 RRC volunteers (27 Boys, 23 Girls)
Resource Person: Mr R.Jayachandran, Regional Manager, TANSACS, Thiruvannamalai
Content: To teach the students on how to educate the people of same age with clarity
Students Feedback: students felt happy that they get a chance to expose themselves to educate the masses on misconceptions regarding AIDS.
Methodology: Students were taught to take up the social discussions, where they were asked to address the students which was the key initiative to share their knowledge.
Suggestion: It was requested by the volunteers to conduct some one day camps in and around Thiruvannamalai.
Conclusion: The RRC students came to know how to teach people of different ages about the sensitive topics

Title of Programme: 5 hr module.
Objective: To create awareness on life skills
Date:February 25, 2009
Venue: A/C Auditorium, Arunai Engineering College, Thiruvannamalai
Duration: one day (10 a.m. to 3 p.m.)
Participants: 50 RRC volunteers (27 Boys, 23 Girls)
Resource Person: Mr K.Rajendiran, District Manager, Red Ribbon Club, Thiruvannamalai
Content: To educate the students on life skills, awareness on AIDS, sex and sexuality, peer education, how to say no, knowing their boundaries, good touch and bad touch, myths and misconceptions on AIDS.
Students Feedback: Students informed that they had various doubts regarding their relationship management with the opposite gender
Methodology: The Programme was restricted to fifty students in order to make the information reach them effectively so that these students will act as peer educators, through educational videos and power point presentations, games, and panel discussions.
Suggestion: It was suggested to conduct more 5 hour module for few more batches.
Conclusion: Hopefully, the RRC students came to know about AIDS, how to lead a safer life where these students will act as peer educators and share the knowledge not only with their college friends but also with their social relations.

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