Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A workshop on Global Warming Awareness

Our College YRC functions actively and this is one of the programmes being conducted among those. We conducted a workshop on Global Warming Awareness programme in which I have been addressing the gathering as President of YRC, AEC with most honourable dignitaries on the Dias. From Left to Right, You have Prof.R.Ravichandaran, REGISTRAR, KAMBAN ENGINEERING COLLEGE, Dr.E.V.V.Kamban, Managing Director, Arunai Engineering College, Dr.M.Rajendiran I.A.S, District Collector, Tiruvannamalai, Dr.M.Kaarmegam Ph.D(London),Principal, Arunai Engineering College, Prof.M.Ravichandran, Secretary, Mahadeepam LIONS CLUB Where I have addressed the students of Youth Red Cross and Red Ribbon Club, Arunai Engineering College

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