Thursday, April 23, 2009

இயந்திர பொறியியல் துறை --- அருணை பொறியியல் கல்லூரி புகைப்படங்களுடன்

This is our Department of Mechanical Engineering, First department built at Arunai Engineering College. This is our second home called DOME(Dept Of Mech Engg) home of igniting minds. We Majestic Mechanical have done many projects like solar battery before a decade. We have now fabricated a Quadric Vehicle which is like a car can be fabricated at 75,000 challenging NANO. We are the leaders with most number of University Ranks and notable Pass Percentages. Our seniors are now working in many premier companies. Even they have designed HONDA,Pleasure and more bikes in Hero Honda as a part of their organisation. We are the trend setters of our institution to earn global recognition. Any student of MECHANICAL ENGINEERING will become a member of MESA- Mechanical Engineering Students Association. We are the one in AEC to introduce a students association that too with a logo for us. Also we have gotta flag for us.

We conduct a national level Technical Symposium called FORGE which is actually a name of a manufacturing process. We have separate logo for FORGE. We have made it as a MASCOT. Its all about courage, passion, style, innovation and more than all Its aLL ABOUT MANAGEERING here We GEARING ENERGETIC TRENDY HEROES has always been the Role models for others....

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