Saturday, April 23, 2011

What is Life?

This question keeps on popping up within me for past few years!!

Is there any Rule book for living Life?

Is there any specific Format for life?

Should we have to live for Ourself / others?

If god is there who is he?

What is his purpose?

If he can provide all goodness, what is the need of badness?

Can he not eliminate badness?

What is Birth?

What is death?

Before Birth and After Death what really happens to our self?

If Physical Failure / halt down is called as Death, then what really happens to Mental system?

If After Death life exists, then is it not same for animals?

Dont Cats, Rats, Dogs have After Death life?

Most of us are not able to answer for most of the questions asked above?

The Span of life is getting shorter Like T20.

Not really we are able to manage find time to do much necessary warm ups.

We dont really manage good time to eat, sleep or atleast speak with our family..

What is the purpose of living as a family? Money is just a need to satisfy the basic needs the life. But It has an worst impact of most of the people's life. We are now sacrificing the life elements to get money. Money is in driver seat in most of our journey!! Worst thing is the companions of money driven life are egotism, shades of grey,Dominance, unjust and many more to add to list.

One Question to most of you..

Its good that you are proud of what you have accomplished. But What is the point in looking others with an inferior look that they have not accomplished what you have done. If you have done so, you are oppurtunistic !!

There are only two categories of people in this current era. Those who have got oppurtunities and second those who have not..!! No one in this World is so Social Minded..! Every one is thinking of being beneficial mutually..

Learning never ever ends in life. Whatever we know is not even a drop.. We hardly learn new thing, not even one per day.

All I wanted to say is, keep on updating!! Source of knowledge should be making you learn things continuously... No Engine is so proud of its extra ordinary performance, if it is excellent from other engines. Coz It is expected to do.. No Soldier is so proud of what he is doing. But obviously those soldiers are doing what others cant do normally.

At times your contribution could have improved or help others improved. You can be happy , Be Proud..!! But You cannot judge others with your performance scale.

Politeness is the key to keep you right on top of the world.. to be at pinnacle. People like Osho have realised what is life..!! But the world is only aware of such great people, which does not mean they are the only achievers. There are many Unsung heroes.

An unsung hero could be anyone who is fighting for us in border, for millions of indians. He/She could be still illuminating students in a remote village and trying to uplift the life of those students with his/her teaching experience. He/She could be your parents who really sacrificed each and every happiness in her life for our goodness to be a responsible citizens!!

We were right on top of the world when we beat pakistan in ICC World Cup. But What was our(spectator's) contribution to that win..! Its important to note that pakistani's have reacted nicely to the result of the sport. But Think of India, If India losing the finals, It is still doubtful if we could have reacted gently. I can be sure that stone could be pelted at least at couple of non performed players' home.

We are not aware of what is life is the root causal to all such immature things.

Winning does not mean Ultimate Satisfaction in life. I Strongly believe Win Win may uplift the society. Whatever you have known so far, is you are supposed to be learnt and blessed to learn things at time.

We all offer prayers to God!! Most of us pray that I should be good, keep my family good. I should always do good and keep on posting personal requests to lord almighty.

Why are we not attempting to pray for what has happened in Japan/ what is happening in Libya?
Have you ever prayed for an unknown person who is just passing by you in ambulance?

Have you ever prayed for Betterment of the human species/ non human species?

We humans have got such an wonderful sixth sense, Inspite of which most of us are still not ready widen ourself?

Modernisation not really comes with the status/luxury of living, way of dressing or the varieties of food we take. It is all about our thoughts. Keep thinking.. Keep yourself updated.. Keep yourself posted with questions.. Thats the only way to become modernised..

Most of you know What Bhagawad gita says"We have not brought anything to this world and We will not be taking anything from this material world".

Bible says, " Who ever is truthful in smallest thing will also be truthful in biggest thing too..."

Think twice, Be truthful to yourself. Dont betray yourself with possession of material things brings you status and happiness!! Definitely It is not..

If it is getting recognition for you, then Beware the people who are recognising your material possession dont really value love. They just value money. And If so How they can satisfy the basic aspects of happiness..

Life is about dying every moment and reborn with such an excitement.. It is all about what you mean to others..

It is all about how you have helped others for upliftment of the society.. There are no real boundaries in the planet. It is the same blood that runs with Indian, Pakistani, German and for whole world. The pain is same. Happiness is same.

So, Love is the bonding factor of life.. It is the secret of life.. Keep exploring love between you and your spouse, you and your parents, you and your children, you and your friends, you and your relations, you and society, you and nation, you and world, and finally you and God!!

At last you will realise Love is the only way to reach God!!

So Love all, Live your life to the fullest...

What I have dropped here may give an abstract feeling. But I want you all to think about it on your personal front and on your own ethics...?? You may match/mismatch with the views.

But All I wanted to say is..

Keep Loving, Keep Winning, Keep Living till your final breadth...

Yours Ever Loving,

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

You Pave, I walk!!

Hi Friends,

Have you ever wondered what Life is??

Have you wondered What your Life should be....??

Have you wondered what your life to Others should be.....??

Its not wrong to wonder how your life should be... But most of the times we just stop there.

Even I want you to stop here to think for a minute and find an answer to first two questions...

I hope If you are able to answer the third one, then you have suceeded in placing your name in Dictionary, which is not so easy!!(Hats Off to those who have accomplished)

Well, you probably be expecting me to answer the first two questions...!!

But I'm more interested in finding answer for the third question...

Just couple of more words to the question, but it can turn the table other ways, could make me see the other side of coin!!

So far, When I thought I have finished something successfully, I suddenly realise that there is still more to accomplish. At one point I felt that I have matured and mentally ready to take up a stronger target.

Over the period of time, I discovered, if our thoughts, words and action go in synch and with clean perfect goal, no one can beat us.

I can feel you nodding heads here !! But If that was the secret of success, Most of us surely have got succeeded to greater extent at one point or other. In spite of making perfect moves in our game of chess, Most of us fail to realise/ realise after the sunset, there is some one else making moves against us.

As far as my life is concerned, there is no difference...

Its you people paving the way.. and I'm walking over it...

Many made it harder way for me... Thanks you people,

I'm getting stronger..!!

I will share more on this...

Its time for others move... So will make my move soon!!!

Till then..

Happy gaming of life!!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Do you Know 2 minutes = 45 hours???

Hi Friends,

Its nice to be back with yet another post in which I want to endorse my view here..
Can you accept your 2 minutes = others' 45 hours???
I can hear you yell no... But,I need you people to think that you can avoid wasting others' 45 hours by doing your two minutes work then and there. We do have so many problems/troubles being faced by self/others irrespective of root causal mostly may be bcoz of delay/tension/absence of mind.

Right from dawn our count of problems being initialised with NewsPaper getting delivered late by five minutes/some interesting Friday Reviews may make you sit by couple of extra minutes and is being iterated with the delay in your schedule of ironing shirts for office, may turn up in polishing boots and all such basic so called two minutes work gets postponed every time will have considerable effect on everyone's regular routine!!

Want to know how??

Office goers who may miss bus/train by couple of minutes, or bikers get jammed in traffic... which may effect in lag of half an hour of delay in reaching office. And in turn it may take an hour delay from regular routine in settling down and checking mails, which in turn may result in nine man hours delay and in case if you are working in Corporate and dependency is high, which may push other such teams to post pone their schedule by an hour coz of you; may even result in wastage of 45 man hours indirectly and it may even getting carried out to next day.

It is the same for everyone irrespective of the sector you are working, It always have an delay in both your and others schedule. It doesn't stops there. Others Favouritism for you goes down, and because of you even indirect person 'x' gets irritated on indirect person 'y' who may be highly related with your business and it gets reflected depending the profile of people and business involved!!

If you just listen down for couple of minutes to have a clarity of root cause, It may funnel up to a single big BUZZ word; Yes It is DISCIPLINE the Medicine for preventing problems.

I dont want to define DISCIPLINE to you people as this and that, but I expect people to understand that DISCIPLINE is not some plug in to be downloaded from someone else and installed to your memory. It is to be cultured and habituated.

Thinking, Speaking and Doing right things at right place with right people at right time.

You may ask what is right thing/place/time/people??

Whenever you do something and If you keenly listen to your inner voice somewhere, it may ping you that it may be wrong, and ask for an confirmation window pops up right??

Stop there !!

Listen and Think twice

There is always Better way of doing anything!!

Its all about little more involvement.....

Just opt for Better way of doing things by playing little more attention to it!!

Only thing is just we need little more involvement in doing things which need little more involvement in planning what to do and how to do it comfortable, in turn may need little more involvement in learning what is what? which in turn need little more involvement in knowing who knows what?

So Its all about little more involvement...

All the things like strategy, planning , execution, business communication and whatever jargons/terminologies thrown by MANAGEMENT GURUS/CURRICULUM can only speak and expect you to speak the language of DISCIPLINE, which may help you to place yourself right at your himalayan top!!

On One fine evening I turned up late by couple of minutes just for washing my socks, and started late again by couple of minutes from my home to meet my girl friend, and I got nabbed in traffic, which resulted me in a delay of direct 45 minutes!!

Needless to say, she was so disciplined , and I got thrown out of her life. :(

So at times two minutes may equal to your LIFE TIME also


Yours Disciplinifyingly,
