Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy 2011 !! - Year of Endurance

2011 is the lunar year of endurance!!

As you know, the Rabbit in Chinese mythology is a symbol of ‘endurance’. In the current turbulent world, this trait is exactly what is needed.

What comes to your mind when you hear the word endurance? I am sure that you have many a story to tell on this, and most of them personal.

I want to share some of the learning on endurance that I have gained and hope that it will help you in some way.

Endurance may help the people practice with not giving up attitude, Winning, achieving and all accomplishment related terms can be added to the book..

But What I feel missing in most of the budding techies is the lack of vision.

Endurance, as you mentioned also goes into mental level.

Now a days, People aspiring financial freedom is a healthy thing, but there is also a fear of budding techies losing their way in dreaming monetarily and in turn losing focus of what they do, since they are caught up in other people’s race .

So again Endurance is ’subjective’ with respect to the people's aspirations.

Most required is self realization of unique way of doing things, Clarity of thoughts and needs, and the attitude to excel in that. More than that Keep one self always open to learn. I hope these are like basic line and length bowling, to become a disciplined individual.

Also One should be endured always with open to learn attitude, which I think will remove the mental blocks.Here, I would like to refer to KUNG FU PANDA’s SECRET INGREDIENT to noodles as given by Mr.Ping to Po(KUNG FU PANDA) ” that there is actually no secret ingredient, and that things are special if someone believes them to be” which helped Po to become the dragon warrior. Even though the animation movie was for Children, it had a greater lesson in it.

So I take it as a chance, to post my view on endurance may be unique and subjective, but enduring OPEN TO LEARN ATTITUDE will fetch not only people but also their associated customers(company/team/people/friends) to heights irrespective of the field/sector/nature of job/position of the people and always will land up in WIN WIN situation.

So Let 2010 take away all your sorrows!!
May 2011 brings back all your good moments and turn them into reminiscing evergreen special moments...

Wish you all a happy 2011, Rabbit New Year!!!!!!!